Tuesday 30 July 2013

Finweek’s attempt at talking about the South African Gaming Industry

Finweek investigates the South African gaming industry, not very effectively, but never the less, here’s the video.

Even though I am glad that more people are talking about gaming, I believe that some key gaming figures are missing from this conversation. I would have loved to see Megarom on the panel, as well as key Internet Service Providers like Internet Solutions and MWEB. It would have seen our industry explained to the public with greater insight.

In this video Colin Webster, President of the MSSA proves to know the most about the state of our local community than any of the other members on the panel.

I can not agree on the way that women are depicted as gamers in this video, and hope to see this change. As a female gamer I don’t believe that most women play hidden object games and are drawn to gaming by social media integration.  What are your thoughts?

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