Tuesday 30 July 2013

Cliff Bleszinski’s open letter to Phil Fish “Come back, Phil. We miss you already.”

Following the recent drama of Fez 2 being cancelled, Cliff Bleszinski has decided to write an open letter to Phil Fish, creator of the game to return to gaming.

Bleszinski published the letter on his blog speaking openly about the Fez 2 situation, some of his own personal experiences and how to deal with internet trolls.

“You don’t owe a damned thing to any gaming journalist. We’ve seen the rise of many “Rush Limbaughs" in the gaming industry, people who do videos or podcasts digging a finger into an open wound that gets the gaming community going because, hits. You DO owe a great product to your community, something I hope you’ll resume doing some time in the near future. The industry needs people like you to speak with their hearts before their brains because I’m tired of hearing the PR approved appropriate response. I’m tired of games that feel like they’ve been developed by focus groups or clueless executives going “Hey that Call of Duty is big, we need one of those!"
Besides, at the end of the day, that cycle of community feedback and crafting that big fireball is entirely too addictive. Come back, Phil. We miss you already. Maybe I’ll be right behind you, returning with Adamantium skin.” He wrote.

I have to say I do agree with Bleszinski in that Fish owes his community a great game and shouldn’t give up because of lousy internet trolls. Bleszinski’s blog is pretty honest and raw, catch the full open letter here, it’s worth a read.

Source: VG24/7

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