Sunday 28 July 2013

Dota 2 Guide – A quick guide to owning pubs with Venomancer

This is a quick guide on how to play Venomancer in a public game. Many play Venomancer as a support class, but this deadly reptile can be a potent carry. Learn what items to buy and how to level up to become a mass slow Godlike pub-king.

With this build it won’t matter which lane you choose, you can either go mid (unless against Pudge) or you can go to the lane on the side of the Secret Shop. The trick to Venomancer is to be quick and effective. In group fights, get in, pop your Ulti (Poison Nova) and get out as quick as possible. Tag all your opponents and place wards as often as you can. Remember, your wards aren’t just there as an extension of your damage but to provide sight. So ward up runes when you can, and don’t forget about warding Roshan. Venomancer is an agility hero, so be sure to always spend your points in agility rather than any of the other stats. Venomancer is especially good to use against heroes that are really fast, for example Bloodseeker (avoid his Ulti, don’t go for him until he’s used it on some one else.). 


Buy your items in the following order:
  • Tango (1 stack)
  • Ring of Basilius
  • Upgrade to Ring of Aquila (Requires Wraith Band)
  • Orb of Venom
  • Boots of Speed
  • Blades of Attack
  • Blades of Attack (You now have Phase Boots, this is important, use as often as possible, especially to escape from a fight after popping your ulti.)
  • Eye of Skadi (If you find you are short on HP and mana, buy Point Booster first, other wise buy one Ultimate Orb, then Point Booster and then the other Ultimate Orb.
  • Manta Style
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
The game will most probably be over after this, if you feel like you are getting targeted too often, you can buy Shadow Blade after or even before Eye of Skadi. I don’t ever buy it, but it can be of great help if you’re in trouble.

How to spend your points

  • Level 1 – Venomous Gale
  • Level 2 – Poison Sting
  • Level 3 - Venomous Gale
  • Level 4 - Poison Sting
  • Level 5 - Venomous Gale
  • Level 6 – Poison Nova
  • Level 7 - Venomous Gale
  • Level 8 - Poison Sting
  • Level 9 - Poison Sting
  • Level 10 – Plague Ward
  • Level 11 - Poison Nova
  • Level 12 - Plague Ward
  • Level 13 - Plague Ward
  • Level 14 - Plague Ward
  • Level 15 - Agility
  • Level 16 - Poison Nova
From here on out you only spend points in Agility

And that’s it, go forth and prosper!

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